Thursday, August 15, 2013

Although the facials spa professionals perform everyday follow a step-by-step format, the unexpected can still happen. Some clients have sensitive skin that may react differently than expected or may have an unusual skin condition.  To keep clients happy (and safe) here are four major tips to handle the unexpected.
1. Keep your eyes and ears open
Always pay close attention to any signs that the client may be experiencing an negative adverse reaction to the skincare treatment. Here are some signs to look and listen for:
Always be on the lookout for visual and audio clues that will help you determine when your client is experiencing a negative reaction. Look for the following.
  • Excessive redness/erythema
  • Hot sensations on the skin
  • Swelling/edema or welting
  • Client itching of the skin
  • Discomfort or burning/painful sensations
  • Noises indicating the client is uncomfortable or in pain
Note: performing a skin test prior to treatment will help determine how the clients skin will react prior to applying the treatment to large areas of the patients skin. 

2. Keep an emergency skin sedation kit in every treatment room

Every treatment room should include an emergency kit.  Having an emergency kid in every room will aid in quickly treating the client should they have a negative reaction. Additionally, having a kit ready will provide the you with the confidence needed to react efficiently. 
Bioelements Emergency Skin Soothing & Sedation Kit contains a quick-mix mask that rapidly reduces irritation and negative sensations. This kit contains the products to create The Bioelements Emergency Soothing Mask--a fast-action mask you mix when a client experiences a feeling of burning, itching or irritation, or when you see any signs of redness.
You can also perform two more masks with Bioelements Emergency Skin Soothing & Sedation Kit: The Bioelements Skin Sedation Mask, which allows you to shut down and neutralize acids after exfoliation and surface peeling; and the Bioelements Comedone Removal Prep Mask, which will ensure the skin is soft and pliable, making extractions easier.

3. Keep calm

Most importantly, keep calm with the unexpected happens. Remaining calm will allow you, the skin care professional, to think clearly and react in a timely manner.  

4. Keep your client happy

Should the client experience a negative reaction, STOP what you are doing immediately and assess the situation.  Refer the client to the appropriate medical personnel for treatment after applying the skin soothing mask to stop further skin damage or irritation.  Make sure you provide your client with a way to contact you should they have additional questions. 

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